Talks and presentations

ContextCam: Bridging Context Awareness with Creative Human-AI Image Co-Creation

May 15, 2024

Oral Presentation, Hawaiʻi Convention Center, Honolulu, USA

The rapid advancement of AI-generated content (AIGC) promises to transform various aspects of human life significantly. This work particularly focuses on the potential of AIGC to revolutionize image creation, such as photography and self-expression. We introduce ContextCam, a novel human-AI image co-creation system that integrates context awareness with mainstream AIGC technologies like Stable Diffusion. ContextCam provides user’s image creation process with inspiration by extracting relevant contextual data, and leverages Large Language Model-based (LLM) multi-agents to co-create images with the user. A study with 16 participants and 136 scenarios revealed that ContextCam was well-received, showcasing personalized and diverse outputs as well as interesting user behavior patterns. Participants provided positive feedback on their engagement and enjoyment when using ContextCam, and acknowledged its ability to inspire creativity.