About me

Hi! I am a senior undergraduate in the Tsien Excellence in Engineering Program (TEEP) at Tsinghua University. I am honored to be advised by Professor Hong Shen at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute and Professor Maarten Sap at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, as well as Professor Zhicong Lu at City University of Hong Kong. Previously, I was fortunate to be advised by Professor Chun Yu, Professor Weinan Shi at Pervasive Interaction Lab, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University.

My research interests lie in Human-Centered AI and Computer Vision. I develop systems to reshape user collaboration and communication with LLM-based chatbots, uncovering interesting insights. I hope to utilize algorithms to achieve human-AI alignment, particularly focusing on values and intentions.

I am particularly interested in the following topics:

  • Human-AI Interaction, e.g., Creativity Support Systems, AI Companions, Context-Aware Systems
  • Responsible AI & Social Computing, e.g., Value Alignment, Trustworthy LLMs
  • Vision Models, e.g., Large Vision-and-Language Models (LVLMs), Diffusion Models
  • Intelligent Speech Interaction

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Publications / Preprints (First/Second Author)

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Xianzhe Fan, Zihan Wu, Chun Yu, Fenggui Rao, Weinan Shi, and Teng Tu. 2024. ContextCam: Bridging Context Awareness with Creative Human-AI Image Co-Creation. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 17 pages. Paper Video Preview

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Xianzhe Fan, Qing Xiao, Xuhui Zhou, Yuran Su, Zhicong Lu, Maarten Sap, and Hong Shen. 2024. Minion: A Technology Probe for Resolving Value Conflicts through Expert-Driven and User-Driven Strategies in AI Companion Applications. Under Review for CHI ’25.

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Xianzhe Fan, Qing Xiao, Xuhui Zhou, Jiaxin Pei, Maarten Sap, Zhicong Lu, and Hong Shen. 2024. User-Driven Value Alignment: Understanding Users' Perceptions and Strategies for Addressing Biased and Discriminatory Statements in AI Companions. Under Review for CHI ’25. Paper

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Qing Xiao, Xianzhe Fan, Felix M. Simon, Bingbing Zhang, and Motahhare Eslami. 2024. “It Might be Technically Impressive, But It’s Practically Useless to Us”: Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities for Cross-Functional Collaboration around AI within the News Industry. Under Review for CHI ’25.


  • Research Intern, Carnegie Mellon University, May 2024 - Present
  • Research Intern, Pervasive Interaction Lab, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, March 2022 - July 2024
  • Undergraduate of Tsien Excellence in Engineering Program (TEEP), Tsinghua University, September 2021 - July 2025
    • GPA: 3.84/4.00

English Level


Academic Service

Conference Reviewer, MobileHCI 2024

Honors and Awards

  • “Tsinghua Scholar Talent Program” Scholarship, 2021, 2022, 2023
  • “Excellence in Science and Technology Innovation” University-level Scholarship, 2022, 2023
  • Technical Leader of the “AI Research Project on Image Generation” under the Future Scientists and Information
  • Selected for the “HeYe Plan”, 2023
  • Second Prize in the Beijing Division of the National College Students’ Mathematical Modeling Contest 2022 (as team leader), 2022
  • “WuXing Cup” Third Prize and Academic New Star Award, 2022
  • First Prize in the 38th National College Students’ Physics Competition, 2021
  • First Prize at the Provincial Level in the 37th National High School Students’ Physics Competition, 2020